Pastor James D. Fambro, M.DIV. & Lady Rholanda (Lisa) U. Fambro

Bio of James Fambro
Born the second eldest of seven sons, James was called to the ministry in his early 20’s. Upon graduating from Augustana College in Rock Island, IL. He relocated to Atlanta, Ga. where he received salvation and later met his lovely wife Rholanda U Royal. They were married July 2, 1994. Soon after he heard the call of God to return to his hometown and served as assistant pastor for 5 yrs to his father Elder David Goldsmith a General in the Lord. After faithful service he was released and charged to be one of the founding Pastors of Christian Growth Center a multicultural, nondenominational Church located in Rockford, IL. James received his Masters of Divinity from Liberty University Theological Seminary School in Lynchburg, Va. Anointed with the spirit of wisdom he is also the proud father of three sons Elias, Joel and David. Pastor James and Lady Lisa have been married for 28 yrs. and have declared “War” on the vastly growing epidemic in the body of Christ “The Spirit of Divorce”. They have joined forces and are determined to help marriages ban together to weather life’s toughest storms.
Bio of Lisa Fambro
Born and raised in Camden NJ and later relocated to Atlanta Ga. At the tender age of 22 Lisa received salvation and surrendered her heart to the Lord. She later met her husband James Fambro and they married July 2, 1994. Throughout her 20+ years of ministry Lady Lisa has served by her husband’s side, as an Evangelical speaker with a prophetic message of healing, deliverance and restoration. Anointed with the spirit of exaltation she is the current co-host of "Happy Times with a Gospel View" a radio ministry heard online on Soar radio in Rockford IL. A successful business woman and entrepreneur she recently finished her first book awaiting publication entitled “Favor without Limits”. Rholanda is determined to preach, teach, and serve God’s people until the broken are restored, hurting are healed and the barren wombs are satisfied! She currently resides in Rockford, IL with her husband Pastor James Fambro and three sons Elias, Joel and David.